New Release​

Cold Iron:
Murder on Old Street

The weather was pulling the devil by the tail that night in 1826 when they dragged the town blacksmith in off the street. He had been butchered on Old Street, in Petersburg, Virginia not twenty yards from his residence. No citizen of the town felt safe after dark. Bolts slammed down across heavy doors at dusk to shut out the terror of the assailant who thirsted for blood.

A Word From The Author

My novel, Cold Iron: Murder on Old Street, is set in my hometown of Petersburg, Virginia. It delves into the true life of my third great-grandfather, Sceva Thayer, a local blacksmith, who was murdered in 1826. Through this narrative, I aim to transport you to a bygone era, shedding light on the intricate lives and secrets of Petersburg’s past. I hope this story resonates with you and offers a glimpse into the history that has always fascinated me.

Stacy Minson Wallace

Writer, genealogist

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